The important thing in international logistics service is to reach other countries and even other continents easily. In this service sector, the regions it can reach determine that the company is good and should be preferred. After all, no matter how good you are at what you do, it won't matter if you can't provide transportation to the countries where people do business. For this reason, the primary goal in logistics and transportation services should always be to reach more countries and continents. The fact that the company you choose can coordinate many things at the same time will greatly relieve the sender/seller's job.

We have been in the international shipping business so far, in our shipments to Bulgaria Sofia, Plovdiv, Sofi (Sofia), Shumen, Stara Zagora, Yambol, Haskovo, Varna, Burgas, Pernik, Pleven, Ruscuk, Shumen, Sliven or our shipments to other points that may adversely affect our business. We experience the happiness of not having experienced anything. For this reason, our company works within the framework of the logistics rules determined by the authorities, carefully considering every point that should be in your Bulgaria Sofia, Plovdiv, Sofi (Sofia), Shumen, Stara Zagora, Yambol, Haskovo, Varna, Burgas, Pernik, Pleven, Ruscuk, Shumen, Sliven shipments. We would like to inform you that you can easily travel with. When we started to serve in this sector, we could only provide transportation to certain countries. Today, however, we provide transportation services to the entire continent of Europe, the continent of Aysa and the continent of Australia. This is very important and proud for us. There are many countries and even continents in our target for the future. As long as we are involved in the sector, we are kind of obliged to provide transportation services to new places. Because otherwise, we cannot be a leading and permanent company in the logistics sector.

Bulgaria Sofia, Plovdiv, Sofia (Sofia), Shumen, Stara Zagora, Yambol, Haskovo, Varna, Burgas, Pernik, Pleven, Ruscuk, Shumen, Sliven are among the countries that we ship to. Making a decision for an international shipping is very important. You can get service from our Buka Logistics company to send the product you want to the continents of Europe, Asia and Australia and to bring it from these continents. You can get services from us in both logistics, customs clearance and storage in your import and export transactions to all these continents. We are doing our best to make this process run effectively and successfully. In addition, we ensure that you go through each process step without any problems. Among the countries we transport, Bulgaria Sofia, Plovdiv, Sofia (Sofia), Shumen, Stara Zagora, Yambol, Haskovo, Varna, Burgas, Pernik, Pleven, Ruscuk, Shumen, Sliven are the countries where quite a lot of products are shipped from Turkey. In recent years, this increase has increased noticeably.

How Do We Provide Intercontinental Shipping Service?

Although it is not difficult for us to transport products and services from Turkey to the continents we have mentioned, it is a very important task. It is very different from domestic transportation activities and there are many important procedures to follow. Even the slightest mistake to be made can lead to big problems, and therefore it can lead to important problems especially in the realization of commercial activities. For this reason, we follow up and take care of this process from storage to customs clearance and transportation to ensure that this process runs smoothly. We strive to ensure that people who choose us are not victims and are satisfied with the service they receive. Only in this way we know that we can be number one in the sector and grow day by day. Regardless of whether it is domestic or intercontinental, we do our job in the best way possible.